Very cool! You could also possibly constrain the problem even further so that the hight of the paddle when hitting the ball is proportional to the note pitch. In that case, and if using a single instrument, the resulting video would be an encoding of the song.

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I like it! We probably don't have enough degrees of freedom to assign absolute pitch to heights since large jumps in pitch will be unreachable. However encoding relative pitch would be simple, currently I pick the sign of the angle randomly. We could make it positive when ascending in pitch and negative when descending.

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Nice experiment! 2 ideas:

1. make the ball go faster, so the paddles won't stay horizontally-centered on screen. If you make the ball travel twice as fast, the distance between the paddles will increase twofold.

2. add another constraint? The higher the sound pitch, the higher (from top to bottom) the paddles should go on the screen.

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